Testing Fedora 40 KDE (RC1)

Several days ago, I was worried about this launch, because KDE6 with Wayland is supposed to break many things… so I did a list of things to test in the new Fedora (https://www.unmanarc.com/en/2024/02/things-to-test-in-fedora-40-kde-no-x11/), lets see what happened…

It comes with KeePassXC version 2.7.7, (Fedora 39 used to be 2.7.6), and autotype is not working as expected…

let’s do ssh -X from both endpoints and see what happens:

  • From X11 to Fedora 40 (Wayland): Working!!
  • From Fedora 40 (Wayland) to X11: Working!!

Perfect, the X11 compatibility is still there…

The GUI and overall performance is pretty good and smooth.

  • Using QXL: Buggy, works but crashes on resize… 🙁
  • Using Virtio: Working and Smooth!, Firefox youtube video play at 4K with only 150-300% CPU consumption on Intel GPU, pretty smooth for 4K. The only one problem is that the mouse will move at different speed from the virtualization host (not happens in QXL).

There is an implementation, seems that someone is working on it but crashes with segmentation fault… :-/ so, failed.

Not working out of the box… at least with KDE6, it’s just broken.

Lets create a google meet session and see what is happening… and let’s use google chrome and firefox…

  • Google Chrome: Everything Working, there is a new share window dialog, they implemented the thumbnails which is good.
  • Firefox: Not tested yet…

Working fine, scaling to 200% does not seems to lag the screen, seems good.

NVIDIA [???]

Not tested yet…

My conclusion

This was a very very quick review based on a checklist of what could go wrong on F40 using KDE6 out of the box that I did couple months ago, I have not tried to install X11 using external repo’s or fix anything… like possible causes for the segmentation faults.

Given this, I must say that this release is still HIGHLY unstable for my specific purposes, and I can’t imagine what other units are broken here. Maybe will work for someone using this distro for browsing, maybe…

at the end, I must say that it is very very annoying every time someone deprecate software and replace it with something that does not have the same functionality.

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