When you do a security assessment, you need to elaborate some recommendations to mitigate the potential risks. This is one of the most difficult parts, because bad assumptions can easily lead to false sense of security and overspending…
Continue reading Mitigating Security RisksAll posts by unmanarc
Installing K-Ubuntu 16.04 with LVM+LUKS Full Encryption
Kubuntu and mostly ubuntu installations comes with a very basic installer, and does not allow you to personalize the encryption, by example, if you have windows and linux together in the same hard drive, the installation won’t allow you to dual boot it, it will force you to use the whole disk, removing the existing windows partition.
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How to hire qualified pentesters to maximize the positive impact in the organization
Many organizations fail to hire an ideal pentester, maybe because there are not enough candidates, maybe because they are too expensive, and they end up looking for the following alternatives:
Forensics and Nation State Cyber Threat Actors
In a recent article, John McAfee described computer forensic as a fallacy, and it’s true… here is why…
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GnuTLS Priorities 2015
Unfortunately, TLS has been plagued by several vulnerabilities in recent years, making every HTTPS connection potentially unsafe.
In this article I’ll show you how to get the Grade A+ on SSLLabs (https://www.ssllabs.com/) through the appropriate use of GnuTLS Priorities.
Detox Fedora 19/20/21
I’ve always used Fedora, basically since it was RedHat 7.0 … However, from that time until now, it has changed a lot.
LUKS: Plausible deniability on crypto containers
Since several years, we have faced a “transparency campaign” on cryptography. That means that the cipher announces itself as an “encrypted container”. This suppose a serious risk by exposing you to a rubber-hose attack.
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) which is used by common Linux distributions is not the exception. But there is a hope to provide some kind of privacy.
Continue reading LUKS: Plausible deniability on crypto containers
Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 on your Android
Linux have a set of many nice applications that could fit and run on your android device.
You can install ubuntu trusty on your android by creating an special partition on your external sdcard and installing the base system there. ** Your phone must be rooted ** preferable with cyanogenmod 11.
How to price a pentest
Penetration testing and vulnerability assesment is a practice that every day becomes more important to our businesses. Today we need to make security stress tests in order to discover potential vulnerabilities that may exist in our systems.
Privacy Guidelines for android
Android is weak by nature… If you want to keep your android secured, you should take a lot of considerations. Every day, the software is designed to be more and more intrusive, however, such level of intrusion could expose yourself to hackers.