All posts by unmanarc

Seguridad informática, programación, sistemas de información, electrónica, Investigación y desarrollo, Redes, Sistemas distribuidos, linux, bsd, criptografía, c++, pentesting, pruebas de penetración, servidores, Digital Forensics, raw sockets, ethical hacking, network security, c#, base de datos, postgresql, databases, firewalls, linux from scratch, appliances, hardware interfaces, iptables, voip, rfc, network protocols, SQL, php, network monitoring

Installing K-Ubuntu 16.04 with LVM+LUKS Full Encryption

Kubuntu and mostly ubuntu installations comes with a very basic installer, and does not allow you to personalize the encryption, by example, if you have windows and linux together in the same hard drive, the installation won’t allow you to dual boot it, it will force you to use the whole disk, removing the existing windows partition.

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LUKS: Plausible deniability on crypto containers

Since several years, we have faced a “transparency campaign” on cryptography. That means that the cipher announces itself as an “encrypted container”. This suppose a serious risk by exposing you to a rubber-hose attack.

LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) which is used by common Linux distributions is not the exception. But there is a hope to provide some kind of privacy.

Continue reading LUKS: Plausible deniability on crypto containers